
Commercial and Civil

Commercial and civil mediation is a very attractive alternative to going to court to solve such disputes.  It is quicker and cheaper than going to court and the parties often agree a solution which a court could never impose.  

It can help rebuild relationships which court action could destroy.  

Under the Civil Procedure Rules litigators have a constant duty to consider Mediation, and face cost penalties if they unreasonably refuse to mediate. 


Workplace Mediators are used to help resolve a range of disputes at work. These include:

  • Disagreements or difficult relationships between work colleagues
  • Multiparty disputes within teams
  • Disputes between different levels of management
  • Employer/ employee disputes

Mediation can be a more constructive and creative way to help resolve workplace disputes. It can help defuse difficult situations, which if left unchecked, can lead to absenteeism through illness and stress, disruption in the workplace, loss of valuable staff and even legal action.

Workplace mediators are independent third parties who can help sort out misunderstanding and focus on the practical steps needed to move things forward. Mediation sessions are often conducted over one or two meetings making Mediation a swift, simple and cost effective solution to a range of workplace problems.


Community Mediators can help with a wide range of disputes that occur in a variety of situations in the community. They can help with:

  • Disagreements with friends or neighbours
  • Problems between different groups or interests within the community
  • Disagreements between parents and schools.
  • Issues within, and between, voluntary and community organisations
  • Disputes regarding environmental, development and planning issues

Mediators help sort out misunderstandings, make sure different views are heard and understood, and help find a sensible solution that seems fair to everyone involved.